Sins & Needles (The Artists Trilogy, #1) - Karina Halle
Was it just me, or was the beginning of this book super boring? Honestly, I started reading it a couple of times, and was put off each and every time, until I finally managed to man up and continue reading in search of something interesting.

To tell you this, there were several things about the main characters that I really disliked. In Ellie, that was the part where she tried to justify her bitchiness and her actions. I mean come on, you are a con artist, you are what you are because that's what you want to be. Don't try to justify what you are (and want to be, obviously) with things that happened in your past. And since I don't want to spoil nobody's experience, I'll just say that no 26-year-old man (such as Camden) should be such a pussy. You know, if they want to be likable.

Anyway, there were some interesting moments in this book, there was some action (even though a bit predictable). The flashbacks into Ellie and Camden's past were nice, even though I would have loved to hear more about Ellie's past from her point of view and not in the form of third-person narration. All in all, Sins & Needles is a good book and a fairly quick read (once you pass the boring 25-30%, that is), but I'm not sure if I'd check out the rest of the books in the series.