Attachments - Rainbow Rowell

I've been meaning to read something by Rainbow Rowell for a really long time, a year maybe, so when I finally had the chance to start from her very first book it didn't even take a second to consider. Honestly, this wasn't what I expected...

Let me start off by saying that I didn't even finish Attachments. I'm only rating it because I think I made it to somewhere around the middle, and according to my book this means I can rate it. Now, I've gotta hand it to Rainbow Rowell for two reasons: the whole chick-lit story told from the perspective of a male protagonist and the really believable friendship between women. Unfortunately, the girls' friendship (from what I read) was the only thing I could buy. The rest was just plain unbelievable and...meh. And while I did find the girls' friendship well-told and believable, I was completely unable to relate to them; I was so indifferent, I was just waiting for the next page and chapter and the moment when I'd finally start to care. Alas, no fucks were given for this story or any of its characters.

Maybe it was just not the right time for me to pick up this book, or I'm just not in the mood for something like Attachments; at the end of the day I'm kind of disappointed because somewhere deep down I really wanted to love and continue reading Rainbow Rowell's books. Ah well...